NovaBACKUP® Professional – Backup Software for PCs/Laptops NOVA VERSÃO 11
Complete Data Backup for PCs
Automatically back up your files, photos, music, and email to a local drive, device, or an online location. Easily restore your PC’s hard drive, including installed software and system configurations, with a bootable disk image.
NovaBACKUP® Professional is designed for ease of use, and runs on Windows 7, Windows XP, and Vista (32 and 64-bit).
Incluem outras grandes características:
Dispositivo Spanning
Mapeado o reconhecimento da unidade
Verificação de Vírus
Criptografia de dados
Abrir Arquivo Suporte Backup
Tape Suporte Backup
Blu-Ray e mídias removíveis Suporte
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